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Saturday, March 25, 2006

work for SPh for one week already... i am under the data entry department... all i have to do was to key in all the postal codes and its unit numbers into microsoft excel... after quite sometime its quite boring actually... seeing postal codes and unit numbers for8 and a half hour every day... but lucky thing we are doing the postal code on the first level... some are doing on the second level where the office are... so they cannot slack... whereas we can... we really slack a lot... me and jeff... after sometime we would be playing minesweeper and read magazines... lol... anyway the target for us is about 100-120 postal codes per as long as we hit the target we started to slack... it was fun... considering the fact that a lot of my classmates are working there too... but only 3 of them are in the same department as me... but on wed... we started to work over time...on overtime we would be calling ppl up and doing a survey... our OT is from 6-9... so this few days been reaching home at 10 and leaving for work the next day at 6.45 like that... but OT is also slack...
theres a script and you just read out to the person you are going to survey... as easy as that..........

4:52 PM;
I made my mark

 Posted by Picasa

4:49 PM;
I made my mark

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4:48 PM;
I made my mark

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4:46 PM;
I made my mark

Last week... my secondary school friends and i went to sentosa... palawan beach... it was so much fun... the ones who came was me, shafik, mya, syimah, az and her guy, wahidah... the rest of the gang could not make it... when we reach sentosa... we took the luge down to the beach... its something like a cart... the luge got no engine no nothing... it only got wheels... the fact that the road is downhill... the luge is able to move... its was fun and wahidah somewhat crash into the grass... everyone pass her just laugh at her... haha... the moment we reached the bottom, we took the tram to palawan...

some of us played the frisbee and ball... then shafik tried to fly his kite... it was so hot... that we all hit the sea except for wahidah.... after much persuasion wahidah joined us... we swam to the other side and took lots of pictures at the tower and all.... really a lot... cameras had been clicking non stop... after that it was like 5 plus when we packed up...

we had dinner at new york pizza at harbourfront... trust me the pizza is damn huge... by then some of us were already tired by the excitement in the day... after that we all went home....

3:41 PM;
I made my mark

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Can't believe how painful it could get
feels like i've been shot again and again
why did my eyes get so wet
its driving me insane

I find it so ridiculous
its been months and i haven't got over us
i cant even get over you
appearing in my mind when i dont want to

Each time i met you reminded me
the wonderful memories we had together
now the atmosphere between us changed completely
no doubt there's awkwardness feeling with each other

The pain is unbearable and excruciating
and there's nothing i could do
all i could was to let time do the healing
and lray i could get this through...

1:38 PM;
I made my mark

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1:36 PM;
I made my mark

Sunday, March 12, 2006

yay... got my result the day b4 yest... i got C for accounting, C for Network multimedia, C+ for Communication skills, A for Business Stats, A for Micro Economics and A for french... erm yea... wow! first time i get... 3 A... the last time i remember getting lots of A is my PSLE result... that one also 2 A only... lol.. on cloud nine right now... haha... lol...

5:49 PM;
I made my mark

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

yest went to recruit express so that i could get a job during my holiday which ends on 24 april... any how in case those of you who didnt know where recruit express is.... its at Ngee ann city tower A... #11-02... well i ask my agent to look for me an admin job... 6 bucks and above... she said she will get back to me next week... oh wait... i just got a call from my agent... they found me a job... something to do with Scv thingie... she said its 7 bucks per hour... not sure after deduction... still got ot pay... but then got interview... hopefully can get the job... lol... SPH job also not sure...

any way i am feeling terribly sick right now... my head is spinning like a top and i feel weak everywhere... got no appetite to eat also... running a high fever.... argh!! feeling so weak.........................................

2:22 PM;
I made my mark

Friday, March 03, 2006

water volleyball??? Posted by Picasa

3:25 PM;
I made my mark

Macho guys by the sentosa beach Posted by Picasa

3:23 PM;
I made my mark

Smokey!!! Posted by Picasa

3:22 PM;
I made my mark

damn... y the fire keep going off.... arrrgghhh!!! Posted by Picasa

3:21 PM;
I made my mark

Thursday, March 02, 2006

1E08 had been a great class and i met a lot of good friends there... esp Ray, Yi Hui, Zhi Cheng, Li Te, Avril and Si hui... They were with me through my most difficult times... when i was very down and felt darkness all around me, they are the ones that pull me up and showed me light till i put my self back together... always being there for me... even though i am not chinese... they support me in everything i do... though they did not say it... but i can feel it... we always look out for each other... shared the laughter and tears together... there's also the Chinese New Year gang which consist of Sharon, Keshia and Michelle... always stick together and always go to lecture.... haha...
Zhi cheng...always with his jokes... taking his pilot license right now and also his driving licencse... a guy who likes plane.. and he's rich... lol...
li te... a taiwanese friend... a gentleman... also we go his house and thorn... and every time see us call us play dotA... haha...he won't be in TP anymore... he will be going shatec now i heard...
Si hui... everytime so blur... go business stat exam forgot to bring calculator... the next day, econs exam also forgot to bring calculator... lol... but she very good already... everytime she finish early wait for me to go home together... a good friend...
Avril... like to act cute...everytime ans the phone instead of hello she said "ah oh" haha... found a very good bf who is very good to her... KEITH!!! lol... like all those cute stuff toys... like pooh...
yi hui...the smartest of all... haha... econs project he kena do everything... lol.... haha... if got school work sure ask him teach...
Ray... have the similar ic no. his last 3 no. is 715 and mine is 517 and the rest are all the same... cool huh... 3 days younger than me only... the leader of 5566... and a workaholic... lol...

Thanks guys for all those laughters...!

6:05 PM;
I made my mark

me li te ray and yi hui Posted by Picasa

6:03 PM;
I made my mark

my CMMSK group 2 Posted by Picasa

6:02 PM;
I made my mark

my CMMSK group!! Posted by Picasa

6:02 PM;
I made my mark

b4 kbox Posted by Picasa

5:57 PM;
I made my mark

5566 by the christmas tree Posted by Picasa

5:56 PM;
I made my mark

me and the CNY gang Posted by Picasa

5:55 PM;
I made my mark

me, ray and yi hui Posted by Picasa

5:53 PM;
I made my mark

yi hui, ray, me and li te... but where's ZC Posted by Picasa

5:52 PM;
I made my mark

oh there he is Posted by Picasa

5:51 PM;
I made my mark

hey... i've been busy lately so no time to update my blog... my holidays are finally here... yay! haha... its gonna be another two months of school holidays... well anyway... i am not so looking forward to school... coz we wont be in the same class anymore... we will all be seperated... seperated into our choice of subject... i chose Business Calculus and accounting IT i think... even though there were some of us who toke the same subject as mine... i doesnt mean that we will be in the same class also... haiz...

the last two days, we had a bbq at li te's house... we began to start the fire at 5 plus... it toke us, the boys, a long time to prepare the fire... haha... talk a lot of crap during that time... lol... then li te and si hui started to bbq the food... the place drizzle a bit and we thought it was going to rain. Luckily the drizzle stop... the rest of us just sat at the table talking and eating while lite and si hui cook the food... there was chicken wings, crab stick, hot dog, fish and squid. All the food was halal... they made sure that all the food that they bought was all halal... thanks guyz... keith came in between with his bike... after that the fire in the bbq pit no more already... i think the forgot to add more charcoal... then we start to make the fire again... for a very very long time... haha...until there was no more matchstick and had to buy lighter... when the fire is back again, both of them start to cook again.... after awhile keith lost his wallet... and then avril also cannot be found... keith said that he cannot find avril and she switched off her hp... we search all over the place for her...when me, ray, yi hui and Cheng decided to go to SPC to look for her... si hui call to see they found her... then back to the eating... and cheng went home and get his bike...

After cleaning up the place... we went to the swimming pool and swim until the security guard came to us and ask us to come up and its already late at night...after drying ourself and all... the guys go to katong and play LAN except for keith... first we played General, then counter strike and then dotA... jeff came halfway... about 1.30 in the morning we went off taking cab...

reach li te's house i played dotA and then li te's turn... me, cheng and jeff played bluff and then ray and li te joined in... then i help li te play prince of persia on his psp... then si hui wanted to play neopets... i think around that time its already 7... i took a nap for half an hour... and woke up to see sihui still playing neo pets... at 8... keith left as he got school and exam... later he called and said that he no need to go to school and take the exam as his teacher said he no need to come... he only need to present his police report that he lost his wallet... we walked to this coffee shop for breakfast... it was a very long walk... while walking avril injured her toe... at the coffee shop some of us had prata... and we took bus back to li te house...

after we pack our bags, we went to sentosa... we went in there for free... all we had to do is just show them our matric card and they let us in... as long as you are a TP student you can go in for free... even though you are not taking hospitality and tourism management... one part of palawan beach was under construction... there were adding more sand i think... and we had to swim on the other side... after that we went to harbourfront and follow avril buy present for keith's sis... after that... me and si hui took 80 home... the rest took 10 back east and avril went to meet keith...

5:00 PM;
I made my mark




Flames to Dust
Lovers to Friends
Why do all gd things
Come to an end?

Total eclipse of the heart



*Wei Qiang


  • December 2005
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    Design (Brushing, Layout, Coding)
    Images (From Google & Yahoo)
    This and That
    Also Thanks (Some Reference)
    #10 } untitledBEAUTY | V2 `-Chronicles(:
    Also Thanks (Inspiration)
    The Great Tommy