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Saturday, April 29, 2006

start started alreadie... the class i got... hmm.. ok lah... teresa who is my sec 4 classmate happen to be the same class as me... haha... so i got 3 people in the class i know...
so when it comes to e biz management project... me, ray, jeff, teresa and two of her friends... and guess who is the leader...? me! kena sabo... e biz management is ok lah... its something like communication skill... the pbl thingie.... problem based learning...
i am also taking dbis... database information system... i think i am gonna have a lil problem with that subject... gone for one lec alreadie got headache trying to understand what in the world the lecturer is trying to explain... issit becoz of the sub or is it becoz the lecturer dunnoe how to teach i dunnoe...
then there's basic entrepreneurship... we are suppose to think of a business plan... i haven think of one good business plan yet... i know i can come up with one... i just need tym...
POM... principles of management... hmm... i dun really know what its about actually... should be something about management... haha... DUH!
MAFIT... managerial accounting and finance for IT... its a more advance subject of business accounting...
Business Calculus... this is the subject that i like so far... its like a bit... but a bit tougher... basically it covers algebra... differentiation and integration... should be fun...
Sociology... same class as alvin and jeff... socio is about understanding other ppl behaviour... like y racism... sexist... and so on...
there are also text books that i am suppose to buy... damn expensive... socio textbk cost 27 bucks... MAFIT should be 30+ and calculus is 22... the rest of the subjects i dun think i am going to buy the book...
anyway my pay come already... i forgot to check how much... later going to bugis with yi hui, li te, cheng and yi hui... Shopping!!!

10:34 AM;
I made my mark

Thursday, April 20, 2006

omg... what is coming in this world! i just read this article in the Straits Times... there is this guy studying in one of the top jc, joseph said in vjc, committed suicide... and his reason for committing suicide was that he found his manhood small... i mean wth... he actually commited suicide just becos of that! the article wrote that he found his manhood small quite some time ago... he told his family and his gf... his family brought him to a clinic and guess what? the doc said that that his manhood size is normal... even his gf doesnt mind... i find that killing himself becos of that is just plain stupid...

my time table is out today! my elective subject would be calculus and principal management... my cds would be sociology... i think sociology is about understanding human behaviour... hope that its interesting... ok... i got the same class as jeff and ray... boy arent i lucky... my cds is the same is yi hui... lol... but i think next sem would be stress... look at my time table! it looks packed! mon to wed start at 10 mon and wed end at 4. tue which seem to be my longest day end at 6...thurs and fri its not that pack...thur start at 12 and end at 6 with 2 hour break in between... fri start at 11 and end at 4... hmm... should be ok... and the best part is i got 2 of the guys from my class joining me... yay!

9:34 PM;
I made my mark

Monday, April 17, 2006

last sat met ray, yi hui, zc, li te and sam at hougang int go to avril's house... erm yea... its her birthday! haha...18 yrs old alreadie... wow... and here i am still 17... sob sob... lol... anyways... by the time reach her house si hui was alreadie there... we played this borad game called LIFE... hmmm... my occupation was a policeman who gets $90,000 on my payday... actually... we played the game wrongly... but what the heck... we completed it anyway... then we ate pizza... canadian pizza... meat lovers and hawaiian... bought 3 got 3 free... so there's six... and large somemore... wah...! then after that we hid her present... we bought her a ripcurl jacket btw... it was 6+ and if she cannot find it by 8 she cannot have it... haha... but she managed to find it anyway... haha... play play uno... and alvin keeps losing... haha... finally... cut the cake... the cake is actually nice... i think its strawberry shortcake... then me, ray,yi hui, li te , zc and alvin left..

oh ya... i think i am working till fri... going to kimage on thur... still wondering what hairstyle should i cut..... any ideas......???

8:49 PM;
I made my mark

Friday, April 14, 2006

the other time i came across this joke...

there was a man strolling down the beach when he tripped on a bottle... feeling angry, he kicked the bottle and a genie appeared from it... they genie was angry that the man kicked the bottle but he granted the man 3 wishes... but whatever the man wishes for... the person he hated the most will get twice as much... who in this case is his boss... the man agreed and ask for his first wish... his first wish was 22 million dollars... so the genie deposited 22 million bucks in the man's bank account while 44 million dollars was deposited in his boss' account... his next wish was to own 2 cars... a ferrari and a porshe... so 2 cars appeared in the man's garage and 4 cars , 2 each, appeared in his boss' garage... when the genie asked the man for his last wish... the man said... "well i'd always wanted to donate a kidney..."

3:41 PM;
I made my mark

Saturday, April 08, 2006

today suppose to meet lite zhi cheng and ray at bugis at 1... but hmm... me, cheng and ray was late... li te reached at 1, me and ray reached at 1.30... we couldn't contact cheng... so we walked at bugis street and then bugis junction... after that cheng called saying he just woke up... so we were like walking that place again and again... when he reached... we went to eat then later go katong... go play bowling... today got the lousiest score ever since i played bowling... i mean besides the time when i started to learn to play lah... lol... den go play dota... me and ray won cheng and li te... wow...nice game... haha...
i'll be working for two more school starts on the 24th... i have to go back school on the 19 which is on wednesday for this entrepreneurship talk or something which will last for 5 hours... the day before that i resign... anyway this coming friday is good friday... so i won't be working but if i work on thursday and on monday... i will get pay on friday even though i didnt work on that huh?

8:45 PM;
I made my mark

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I recently read this article about luck... a very interesting article... basically luck is about what your attitude is towards certain things... its is also depends on how confident are you...
Even tiger woods and michael jordan believe in luck... Taking the idea a step further, consider this: Throughout his career Jordan always wore his lucky North Carolina Tar Heels shorts under his unform and woods always wears red on the final day of a tournament... this lucky garments don't heighten jumping ability or straighten chip shots but research suggests the extra dose of confidence might... Researches conducted a test which consist of two groups...self-proclaimed lucky and unlucky ppl... there are two puzzle, each formed by two interlocking metal pieces... the researcher told them that one of the puzzle is solvable while the other one isn't... he then tossed a coin to determine which puzzle they would attempt... but the truth is both puzzle are the same solvable puzzle... examining the puzzle, 60 percent of unlucky ppl said its impossible to solve vs 30 of the lucky ppl... No wonder more lucky ppl succeed in life, in love, in small metal puzzles. Unlucky ppl give up before they ever start...
Here a look on how luck had changed the world...

1895- as german physicist experiment with electron beams, he happened to put his hand in front of the source of radiation. the images if his bones is projected across the room... that's how x-ray came about...

1945- an engineer is surprised to discover that radar waves have melted the candy bar in his pocket... soon after he created the microwave oven

1989- pfizer researchers studying gene receptors as a way to ease blood pressure notice that their male volunteers are becoming excited. thus they created viagra...

there are 8 ways to change your luck...
1) pay attention to your surroundings; you wont spot any good luck unless you look for it
2)stay relaxed even in pressure situations; it'll help you to be more aware
3)vary your routine everyday. walk on the other side of the street or try a new lunch spot
4)be aggresive about making changes you want
5)follow your gut feeling
6)expect good fortune
7)believe in lucky charms. the confidence it gives you is very powerful
8)smile. ppl will smile back and suddenly you are off to a good start.

always remember bad luck today is often the catalyst for better luck tmr... Nitez!

8:05 PM;
I made my mark




Flames to Dust
Lovers to Friends
Why do all gd things
Come to an end?

Total eclipse of the heart



*Wei Qiang


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