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Saturday, May 20, 2006

ok this week was like the end of 2 reality shows... amazing race and survivor... survivor was on last fri... the guy that i hope that would win was terry... but haiz... he did not make it to the final two... if danielle had voted for aras and keep terry without a doubt terry would win survivor... he was the most deserving one... another show was the amazing race... i was hoping that eric and jeremy would win but the hippies won... the were leading until the last task where they screw it up...

American idol now left two ppl... katherine and taylor... elliot and chris were both good singers and they were out... i am hoping that taylor would win but somehow i get this feeling that katherine would win it... can't wait for tmr's singapore idol

Arsenal vs Barcelona... a very exciting match... thurs only slept for 3 hours coz i want to watch the match... haha... arsenal lost obviously... good news to arsenal fan henry is staying!!!

i watched Da vinci code already... damn it was good... very interesting... but i feel that it is abit to short... don't mind watching it again... one thing is for sure... i am going to buy the book.... x men and MI3 still haven watch... can't wait for xmen to come out...

one story that i would like to share for those who are working...

a crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day... a small rabbit saw the crow and asked him: "can i also sit with you and do nothing all day long?" the crow said: "sure, why not?" so the rabbit sat and rested. all of a sudden a fox appeared. It jumped on the rabbit and ate it.

Moral of the story was to be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very very high up...

2:51 PM;
I made my mark

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Well.... since today is mother's day... here are some history about mother's day...

Julia Ward Howe is credited with suggesting the holiday (1872)
Anna M. Jarvis (1864-1948) played a very significant role in getting the day officially declared as a holiday. She held the first Mother's Day in the U.S. was a church service held on May 10, 1908 at Anna's request to honour her mother. Mother's Day was officially declared as the second Sunday in May by Congress - May 8, 1914
Almost all countries have some sort of Mother's Day Celebrations. Many countries celebrate on the same day as the United States.
Mother's Day can be traced to ancient times. Spring festivals included tributes to Goddesses.

9:02 PM;
I made my mark

Saturday, May 13, 2006

ok... just about 2 weeks ago my calculus tutor i look like someone who plays soccer... ok... that's true... i mean i do play soccer... now in my socio class.. my group members said that i look like someone who dances... one even said that i look like i could break dance... haha... i can't... i can't even dance...unless someone dun mind teaching me... lol...
in socio class we are like suppose to do a role play about the agents of socialisation and cooley's looking glass self... and my group picked "a singapore idol contestant being prepared for performance throughout the competition... and guess who is suppose to be that singapore idol contestant... me! its like so embarassing lah... lucky thing i no need to sing in front of the class... omg... but they nearly made me sing and dance too... haha... but come to think of it maybe i am much more luckier than alvin... his group picked about being a manhunt or sth... haha... and alvin is the lucky one who got to be the manhunt... haha...

2:21 PM;
I made my mark

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Today POM lecture was quite fun... i really learn a lot of new things... do you know that the brand LG does not stand for Life's Good... its actually a merger of two companies, lucky and goldstar... interesting huh? haha... one more interesting fact... TP is the Top Polytechnic... in the east... haha... ok lah jokes aside... tp is actually second... first is Singapore poly... last time ngee ann poly is second but they drop and we become second... ngee ann is third followed by nanyang and lastly of course... its RP... but todays POM was fun...

8:46 PM;
I made my mark

Sunday, May 07, 2006

yest was the results of the election... as expected PAP won a lot of the seat... actually PAP won all the seats excepts for the ones in Potong Pasir and Hougang... they were won by SDA and WP respectively... so its WP again in Hougang...

8:15 PM;
I made my mark

Saturday, May 06, 2006

today is the election day...PAP... SDP... SDA... WP... all are the candidates... obviously i think PAP would win... but in hougang... i dunnoe... wp have been winning here... so i dunnoe who will win... guess we have to see later tonight for the results... those guys have been busy for the pass 9 days... there were hot debates and all..
I still remember PAP calling the WP not as workers party but instead they called them wayang party coz the WP like to wayang... haha... lucky i am still young or else i have to vote... a lot of ppl seemed enthusiastic about voting... a lot of ppl are queing up to vote in the morning... right now... there seem to be less ppl... so who's gonna win? just wait and see...

3:06 PM;
I made my mark




Flames to Dust
Lovers to Friends
Why do all gd things
Come to an end?

Total eclipse of the heart



*Wei Qiang


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