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Thursday, September 28, 2006

yest went to queensway with my parents to go buy shoe... i saw this nice nike shoe... ok... very nice nike shoe... but left the pair on the shelf... and the one on the shelf is small in size and so me feet could not fit in it... the search continues...

Finally found a pair that i like... its adidas... though it is not as nice as the nike one... its ok... cost me 79 bucks... if i bought that nike shoe... that shoe would have cost me 133 bucks... haha... my shoe pic is below... yeah! nice right...?

5:10 PM;
I made my mark

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Ppl say what goes around comes around
But there's still no reason that i found
Just what did i do to deserve what i got
Explain it to me, coz i dun get the plot

Whenever i look into the mirror
I see a reflection that's not so clear
Looking tough after what he's gone through
But deep inside i know he feels blue

Seriously i couldn't recognize him at all
Where's the drive that i used to see in him
He seemed to have given up after the fall
Waking up each day wishing it was a dream

5:03 PM;
I made my mark

Monday, September 25, 2006

There are lot of things that one could experience in life
Whether its good or bad, these things changes one perception
What you want in life also changes
These things are bound to happen
Whether you like it or not
Some may even leave a mark forever
The hurt, the pain, the joy, the laughter, the cries
You can't escape them

4:51 PM;
I made my mark

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Okay... today is the day where i dun look forward to... Its like your nightmare was about to come to reality... Ever since i woke up i've been looking at my phone for an sms...

One by one sms appeared at my phone but those were not i was looking for... then about 1 plus just as i had finished my lunch.... an sms came... my heart was beating very fast as i opened it...omg.. there it is... the sms that i dun want to see... i read the first line as my heart was still beating fast... "exam results for 0501255D..." I scan through the whole sms looking out for ebm... as i know that's the subject which i did worst... Then i found it on the fourth line... E-B Mgt.. C... What! i got a C for Ebm... i like couldnt believe it... i pass my ebm... yay! haha... :)

This is how my sms look like...

Exam Results for 0501255D

Mafit : C
Prin Mgt : C+
E-B Mgt: C
Calculus: B
Basic Ent: P
Apel 2: P
I-Soc: B

Going to Terence chalet later... gotta get ready soon...

2:25 PM;
I made my mark

Saturday, September 09, 2006

yest we all went to eat at Ramen Ten @ far east... we were celebrating Claire's, Imelda's, Eileen's, Terence's and Aisah birthday... but Terence and Aisah didnt come... Anyway... thanks to our Anson... he made a mess out of the cakes...haha... he basically smear some ppl with cakes... yes! in Ramen Ten... i was like omg... but luckily i wasnt smeared... after the guyz cleaned up.... we went to lucky plaza to play pool! after that i went home coz i got something on after that... but it was a fun day...! Here are the pics...

The guyz at Ramen Ten...
Feng, Ray and me advertising for Ramen Ten? haha...

The whole group at Lucky Plaza Pool...

3:30 PM;
I made my mark

Monday, September 04, 2006

Who doesn't know Steve Irwin or a.k.a as the crocodile hunter... An animal lover and also a a great conservationist... i think his show come out a lot in kids central and also arts central... well anyway.... he just died... he was killed by a stingray while shooting for an underwater documentary on the great barrier reef....

That's Irwin in one of his show... R.I.P Crocodile Hunter...

3:39 PM;
I made my mark

Sunday, September 03, 2006

haiz... the headache is still here... but not that much... felt much better now...

anyway... friday was zhi cheng's birthday... it was damn crazy...

This was taken with zhi cheng, jia hao, me and ray... trying to act cool... taken b4 we went to kbox... haha...

This was taken outside Kbox parkway... we were crazy bunch of idiots... imagine the 3 of us walking in the NIGHT... yes in the NIGHT with sunglasses... lol...

At jia hao started the ball rolling... with a popular request from all of us... he sang chi pa ban... a hokkien song... haha... but he dun really know the whole song... and so alvin the hokkien pro helped him... and everyone took turn to sing...

This is the 3 of us acting cute... haha... with the birthday boy in the middle... we are like so crazy... making chipmunk voices as avril was singing... lol...

Then..... sumthing happen... out of the blue... zhi cheng shout larb and pointed at alvin... and there is started... everyone was like running towards alvin and start to grab him... then we were like taking of his tops and jia hao did a body slam on him...

the aftermath... haha

then jeffrey came late... and so he also get what we did to alvin... haha... sad for jeff... hmmm... wait... isnt it zhi cheng birthday... y didn't he get it... then its his turn to sing...

zhi cheng was standing up and singing and me and yi hui was like waving our hands... following the rythym of his song... we were waiting for him to finish singing and start to strip him... he took of his belt and tried to pulled down his pants and we pulled up his shirt... we got the pic but its obscene to show it here... haha... and everyone including me got that treatment... got pics but i am not showing them... i was strip to my boxers... AAaaarrrghhhh.... haha...

then we were like shouting the songs... we picked in the end by linking park, i dont wanna miss a thing by aerosmith and a lot more... all of us were like shouting the songs together until almost all of us got a sorethroat... haha... what a crazy night... haha...

me and the birthday boy!!!

all of us together... wel except for alvin the photographer... sihui and avril was singing...

10:27 PM;
I made my mark




Flames to Dust
Lovers to Friends
Why do all gd things
Come to an end?

Total eclipse of the heart



*Wei Qiang


  • December 2005
  • January 2006
  • March 2006
  • April 2006
  • May 2006
  • June 2006
  • July 2006
  • August 2006
  • September 2006
  • October 2006
  • November 2006
  • December 2006
  • January 2007
  • February 2007
  • February 2009


    Design (Brushing, Layout, Coding)
    Images (From Google & Yahoo)
    This and That
    Also Thanks (Some Reference)
    #10 } untitledBEAUTY | V2 `-Chronicles(:
    Also Thanks (Inspiration)
    The Great Tommy